Thursday, January 3, 2008

Solidarity Beards?

It was a hirsute late night return for Conan and Dave. The popular wisdom is that Conan, Leno and Kimmel were "forced" back to work by their employers (while Letterman's production company Worldwide Pants inked its own side deal). Am/Mex finds that hard to believe, but if so, why can't the AMPTP force the TV and screenwriters back to work? Stupid question, right? So again, why would the WGA sign a side deal to benefit just a dozen writers? Please comment and for now we'll skip over the serious stuff and instead direct you to the funniest thing "written and produced" so far during the strike - watch Stir Crazy, inspired by the movie The Shining.

1 comment:

Arun said...

Solidarity beards. Priceless... Tonight Mayor Mike Bloomberg made a cameo on Letterman to present a Key to the City........ to Letterman's BEARD.